Territorial Rights on a Greek beach, 1988
Into this little bay/ Where a city sunk six centuries ago/ We turned half an hour since/ In a little boat like yours
A collage
About my doodles
I am glad these pictures bring joy to some people. They give me fun, sometimes shocking joy. But they are essentially accidents, gifts appearing from the hidden Giver of all good things.When I try to be a painter in control, aiming to produce a work of art, to put on the board something I have…
A talk about climate change, while there is yet time
If you dislike this sermon, blame it on this, that I have recently been reading Jeremiah and the Guardian. So I think I ought to talk about climate change, though it is difficult to do. May I do so? The IPCC recently (2018!) warned that a rise in global temperature of 1.5° above pre-industrial levels…
Matthew’s Telling: all-age congregational Christmas play
A dramatised contemporary reading of the whole text of Matthew 1 and 2, for an inclusive cast of children, young people and adults, living the story together, respecting the integrity of this text: don’t cannibalise it and make the conventional Nativity stew of bits taken from various sources. A change from the usual mishmash Nativity.…