Climate change

  • The Whole World in His Hands

    When I was young, and the Bible was read in church beyond the bounds of sanitized lectionary, I heard that ‘the whole world lies in the hands of the evil one’ (I John 5.19). Coming from under the Blitz, through the war, the holocaust, Hiroshima, into cold war, this text had plausibility. We took it at least half…

  • ‘For your to-morrows these gave their to-day’: sermon for Remembrance Sunday

    Sermon preached at Moortown Baptist Church on 10th November 2024, Remembrance Sunday. The texts for the sermon are: 14 At that time David was in the stronghold, and the Philistine garrison was at Bethlehem. 15 David longed for water and said, “Oh, that someone would get me a drink of water from the well near the gate of Bethlehem!” 16 So…

  • Earth Cries – event

    All are welcome to a reflective reading and discussion of Ben Okri’s prophetic voicing of EARTH’S CRIES. Tuesday 12 September, 7.30-9.15, at Moortown Baptist Church Lament with him the climate crisis and hear his call for human beings to ‘accelerate our own transformation now’, so that we make a ‘future possible again for the species…

  • Earth cries! Are we the gods that must step up?

    Earth cries! We are the gods that must step up to the biggest crisis in history | Ben Okri | The Guardian Reflection and Commentary  In this prophetic poem, lamenting, warning, calling, Ben Okri points to the crisis now: Words for the day.Denial. Justice. RightT​o protest. And Earth cries.O when will we wake up?Gulf Stream…

  • A talk about climate change, while there is yet time

    If you dislike this sermon, blame it on this, that I have recently been reading Jeremiah and the Guardian. So I think I ought to talk about climate change, though it is difficult to do. May I do so?  The IPCC recently (2018!) warned that a rise in global temperature of 1.5° above pre-industrial levels…