
If there are any of these pieces you would like to access but are unable to, please get in touch via the contact form.

2019. ‘Resonances between Arthur’s Call and Entry Point’. ANVIL: Journal of Theology and Mission 35(1): 28–32.

2018. ‘Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Martin Luther in Conversation’. In Reformation 500, ed. Corneliu Constantineanu. Arad, Romania, 115–22.

2016. ‘A Theological Reflection on Children-at-Risk’. Transformation 33(3): 197–207. doi: 10.1177/0265378816636794. (With William C Prevette.)

2016. ‘Matthew 18 and the Reimagining of the Seminary’. In Re-Imaging Theological Education, eds. Romulus Vasile Ganea, Marcel V. Măcelaru, and Corneliu Constantineanu. Bucharest: Pleroma, 81–93.

2015. ‘The Redland Fly in Mondriana: A Fable for Roswith’. In Roswith Gerloff – Auf Grenzen. Ein Leben Im Dazwischen von Kulturen: On the Border. An In-Between Existence, ed. Armin Triebel. Berlin: Weissensee, 121–28.

2014a. ‘Foreword’. In Climbing the Spiritual Mountain: The Questions of Jesus, Wipf and Stock.

2014b. ‘Forgiving Constitutes the Person’. In The Logic of the Spirit in Human Thought and Experience: Exploring the Vision of James E. Loder, Jr, eds. Dana R. Wright and Keith J. White. Cambridge: The Lutterworth Press. (October 23, 2023). (Available on the blog here).

2014c. ‘The Triangle: Theology, Mission and Child’. In Theology, Mission and Child: Global Perspectives, Regnum Edinburgh centenary series ; volume 24, eds. William C Prevette, Keith J White, C Rosalee Velloso da Silva, and D J Konz. Oxford: Regnum Books International.

2014. ‘Theology, Mission and Child under the Shadow of the Cross and in the Light of the Resurrection’. In Theology, Mission and Child: Global Perspectives, Regnum Edinburgh centenary series ; volume 24, eds. William C Prevette, Keith J White, C Rosalee Velloso da Silva, and D J Konz. Oxford: Regnum Books International.  (With Keith J. White.)

2013. Entry Point: Towards Child Theology with Matthew 18. WTL Publications Limited. (With Keith J. White.) (Introductory seminar can be watched here). 

2013. ‘Ant and Sparrow in Child Theology’. Faith and Thought 54.

2012. ‘Foreword’. In Child, Church and Compassion: Towards Child Theology in Romania, 1517 Media. (October 24, 2023).

2011. ‘Tackling Child Sexual Exploitation Together 2009-2011’. CROP (now PACE). 21pp.

2008a. ‘Child Theology and Christology’. In Toddling to the Kingdom: Child Theology at Work in the Church, ed. John Collier. Primalogue Publishing Media.

2008b. ‘Child Theology and Christology in Matthew 18.1-5’. Dharma Deepika 12.2: 68–76.

2008c. ‘With My Missing Hands’. In Remembering to Forgive: A Tribute to Una O’Higgins O’Malley, ed. Enda McDonagh. Veritas. (2022 blog version). 

2007a. ‘Forgiveness as Permission to Live’. In Wounds That Heal: Theology, Imagination and Health: A Journey Towards Health and Healing, ed. Jonathan Baxter. SPCK. (2023 blog version).

2007b. ‘Karl Barth’. In The Blackwell Companion to Political Theology / Edited by Peter Scott & William T. Cavanaugh., Blackwell companions to religion, eds. William T. Cavanaugh and Peter Scott. Oxford: Blackwell, 123–35.

2007c. ‘“Vertical” and “Horizontal” in Paul’s Theology of Reconciliation in the Letter to the Romans’. Transformation 24(3/4): 151–60. (Available on the blog here). 

2006. ‘An Introduction to Child Theology’. In Key Topics in Child Theology Series, London: The Child Theology Movement. (With Keith J. White.)

2006. ‘Experimenting Together: One Way of Doing Child Theology’. In Key Topics in Child Theology Series, United Kingdom: The Child Theology Movement.

2002a. ‘Forgiveness and Politics’. Centre for Contemporary Christianity in Ireland. Paper 13 of Embodying Forgiveness project.

2002b. ‘Review of Beyond Retribution by Christopher D. Marshall’. Theology: 454–55.

2002c. ‘Review of Urban Christianity and Global Order by Andrew Davey and Through Our Long Exile by Kenneth Leech’. Crucible (Apr-June): 123–26.

2002d. ‘Social Action and Evangelism’. Crucible (July-Sept): 138–44.

2002e. ‘Writing Local Church History’. In Ecumenism and History: Studies in Honour of John H. Y. Briggs / Edited by Anthony R. Cross; Foreword by Georges Lemopoulos., ed. Anthony R. Cross. Carlisle: Paternoster Press. (Available on the blog in three parts: part one, part two, and part three). 

2001a. ‘Review of Evangelicals and Politics in Asia, Africa and Latin America by Paul Freston’. Transformation 18(4): 262–64. doi: 10.1177/026537880101800406.

2001b. ‘Review of Mission as Transformation: A Theology of the Whole Gospel by Vinay Samuel and Chris Sudgen (Eds)’. Transformation 18(3): 194–96. doi: 10.1177/026537880101800310.

2001c. ‘Review of Does Christianity Cause War? By David Martin’. The Journal of Theological Studies 52(1): 498–99. doi: 10.1093/jts/52.1.498.

2001d. ‘Jesus Christ the Forgiven: Christology, Atonement and Forgiveness’. In Forgiveness and Truth, Explorations in contemporary theology, eds. Alistair I. McFadyen and Marcel Sarot. Edinburgh: T & T Clark. (October 23, 2023). (Blog version here.)

2001e. ‘The Collapse of Congregations’. Anvil 18(4): 249–60.

2000a. ‘Barmen Declaration’. In The Oxford Companion to Christian Thought, eds. Adrian Hastings, Hugh Pyper, and Alastair Mason. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 62–63.

2000b. ‘Changed for Good – A Theologian Family’s Sabbatical Year in Tuebingen, 1973-4’. Lektor-Innenlob, German Department, University of Leeds: 28–30.

2000c. ‘Forgiveness’. In The Oxford Companion to Christian Thought, eds. Adrian Hastings, Hugh Pyper, and Alastair Mason. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 245–47.

1999a. ‘What Is a Person?’ Journal of Health Care Chaplaincy: 2–6.

1999b. ‘Costly Discipleship’. In The Cambridge Companion to Dietrich Bonhoeffer Edited by John W. de Gruchy., Cambridge companions to religion, ed. John W. De Gruchy. Cambridge: University Press.

1999c. ‘Responses to Miroslav Volf’. Transformation (Exeter) 16(1): 13–17. doi: 10.1177/026537889901600105.

1999d. ‘Review of God’s Just Vengeance: Crime, Violence and the Rhetoric of Salvation by Timothy Gorringe’. The Journal of Theological Studies 50(1): 446–50.

1999e. ‘The Situation of Churches in Post-Communist Europe’. Transformation (Jan/March): 13–17.

1998. ‘Review of Christianity and Democracy. A Theology for a Just World Order by John W. de Gruchy’. The Journal of Theological Studies 49(1): 519–21.

1997. ‘Review of An Ethic for Enemies. Forgiveness in Politics by Donald W. Shriver, Jr and Embodying Forgiveness. A Theological Analysis by Gregory L. Jones’. The Journal of Theological Studies 48(2): 759–63.

1996a. ‘A Defence of Theology’. The Baptist Ministers’ Journal: 15–19.

1996b. ‘Family Life – School of Faith?’ In The Christian Family: A Concept in Crisis, ed. Hugh Pyper. Canterbury Press Norwich.

1996c. ‘Review of Theology, Ideology and Liberation by Peter Scott’. Theology 99(787): 79–80. doi: 10.1177/0040571X9509900129.

1996d. ‘World’s History, Heaven’s Silence, Theology’s Place’. Inaugural Lecture, University of Leeds. (Available on the blog here). 

1995a. ‘Preaching and Praying: The Church as Social Action and Social Action as Theology’. In On Earth as in Heaven, ed. Steve Finamore. Baptist Union GB, 6–17.

1995b. ‘Transforming Society – or Merely Making It: A Theological Discussion with the Bible in One Hand and a Very Particular Newspaper in the Other’. In Society for the Study of Theology Conference Proceedings, Leeds: SST. (2023 blog version).

1994a. ‘Bonhoeffer’s Sanctity as a Problem for Bonhoeffer Studies’. In Celebrating Critical Awareness, Bradford: Touchstone Centre, 6–13.

1994b. ‘Justice in an Unjust World (Review Article)’. Reviews in Religion & Theology 1(4): 23–26. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9418.1994.tb00117.x.

1994c. ‘Religion in Leeds in the 1990s’. In Religion in Leeds, ed. Alastair Mason. , 180–96.

1993a. ‘John Collins, Gadfly of the Resurrection’. In Modern Religious Rebels, ed. Stuart Mews. , 245–57.

1993b. ‘Review of The Church in the African City by Aylward Shorter’. Journal of Religion in Africa 23(2): 186–88. doi: 10.2307/1581224.

1992a. 20/20 Visions: The Futures of Christianity in Britain. ed. Haddon Willmer. London: SPCK.

1992b. ‘Taking Responsibility’. In 20/20 Visions: The Futures of Christianity in Britain, ed. Haddon Willmer. London: SPCK.

1991. ‘Review of Past Event and Present Salvation by Paul Fiddes and Deification in Christ by Panayiotis Nellas’. The Furrow: 328–29.

1990a. ‘The Justification of the Godless: Heinrich Vogel and German Guilt’. Studies in Church History Subsidia 7: 327–46. doi: 10.1017/S0143045900001459.

1990b. ‘Christology, Anthropology and Human Rights’. Church and Politics (BCC/CCBI): 25–44.

1990c. ‘Review of Keeping the Faith: Essays to Mark the Centenary of Lux Mundi by G. Wainwright (Ed.) and The Religion of the Incarnation by Robert Morgan (Ed.)’. The Journal of Theological Studies 41(1): 310–15.

1989a. ‘Review of Theology and Politics by Duncan B. Forrester’. The Journal of Theological Studies 40(2): 714–16. doi: 10.1093/jts/40.2.714.

1989b. ‘Review of Evangelicalism in Modern Britain by David Bebbington’. Journal of the URC History Society: 336–39.

1989c. ‘Review of Narrative and Morality: A Theological Inquiry by Paul Nelson’. Theology 92(745): 62–64. doi: 10.1177/0040571X8909200122.

1989d. ‘Images of the City and the Shaping of Humanity’. In Theology in the City, ed. A.E. Harvey. , 32–46.

1989e. ‘Review of The Unacceptable Face: The Modern Church in the Eyes of the Historian by John Kent’. The Journal of Theological Studies 40(1): 312–14.

1989f. ‘The Churches and the Poll Tax in England’. Modern Churchman 31(3): 1–7.

1988. ‘Response to Jonathan Bayes “Alternative View” on the Significance Restorationism’. Baptist Quarterly (July): 341–50.

1987a. ‘Review of Enlightenment and Alienation: An Essay Towards a Trinitarian Theology by Colin E. Gunton’. Religious Studies 23(1): 145–47. doi: 10.1017/S0034412500018606.

1987b. ‘The Significance of Restorationism’. Baptist Quarterly 32(1): 19–27. doi: 10.1080/0005576X.1987.11751739.

1987c. ‘Politview II: Britain and the USA’. Modern Churchman 29(2): 8–11.

1986a. ‘Politview I: Faith in the City’. The Modern Churchman 28(3): 11–14. doi: 10.3828/MC.28.3.11.

1986b. ‘Theology and European Security’. In Ethics & European Security, ed. Barrie Paskins. London: Croom Helm.

1985. ‘God so Loved the World’. Presidential Address, Yorkshire Baptist Association. (Available on the blog here). 

1984a. ‘Discussion Papers: Marriage or Living Together: Promises or Privacy’. Christian 9(1, 2): 3–4, 42–46.

1984b. ‘Review of Toward a Christian Political Ethic by J. M. Bonino’. Crucible (Jan-March): 40–41.

1983a. ‘Review of Faith in History and Society: Towards a Practical Fundamental Theology by Johann Baptist Metz’. Religious Studies 19(4): 547–48. doi: 10.1017/S0034412500015675.

1983b. ‘After One Year: Reflections on the Falkland Islands’. Crucible (April-June): 52–57.

1983c. ‘Electoral Reform: The Churches’ Concern’. Modern Churchman 26(1): 26–34.

1982a. ‘Review of Liberation Theology – an Evangelical View from the Third World by J. Andrew Kirk.’ Religious Studies 18(1): 105–6. doi: 10.1017/S0034412500013585.

1982b. ‘Theological Questions in the Poverty Debate’. In Poverty, Division of Community Affairs, BCC, 23–34.

1981. ‘Review of Theology and Political Society by Charles Davis’. Theology 84(701): 397–397. doi: 10.1177/0040571X8108400529.

1980a. ‘Review of Creed and Conflict by John D. Davies and Theology of a Classless Society by Geervarghese Mar Ostathios’. Theology 83(695): 390–92. doi: 10.1177/0040571X8008300525.

1980b. ‘Concluding Comment’. In The End of Work, Manchester: Industrial Mission Association, William Temple Foundation, 84–87.

1979a. ‘Review of The Christian-Marxist Dialogue and Beyond by Peter Hebblethwaite’. Theology 82(685): 71–72. doi: 10.1177/0040571X7908200123.

1979b. ‘Review of Kirche Zwischen Monarchie Und Republik: Der Preussische Protestantismus Nach Dem Zusammenbruch von 1918 by Jacke Jochen’. The Journal of Ecclesiastical History 30(1): 116–17. doi: 10.1017/S0022046900034710.

1979. Christian Faith and Political Hopes: A Reply to E.R.Norman. eds. Charles Elliott et al. London: Epworth Press.

1979c. ‘Does Jesus Call Us to Political Discipleship?’ In Christian Faith and Political Hopes: A Reply to E.R.Norman, eds. Charles Elliott et al. London: Epworth Press.

1979d. ‘The Politics of Forgiveness: A New Dynamic’. The Furrow 30(4): 207–18.

1979e. ‘Towards a Theology of the State’. In Essays in Evangelical Social Ethics / Edited by David F. Wright., Exeter: Paternoster, 85–102.

1979f. ‘Towards the Political Conversion of the British’. Crucible (April-June): 52–59.

1978a. ‘Otto Dibelius: A Missing Piece in the Puzzle of Dietrich Bonhoeffer?’ Studies in Church History 15: 443–51. doi: 10.1017/S0424208400009165.

1978b. ‘Theology and Everyday Politics’. In Theology and Politics, Manchester: Industrial Mission Association, William Temple Foundation, 16–33.

1977a. ‘Review of Christians, Politics and Violent Revolution by J. G. Davies and Christians and Marxists by Jose Miguez Bonino’. Theology 80(675): 232–33. doi: 10.1177/0040571X7708000323.

1977b. ‘Parliament: A Christian Consideration, an Essay by Haddon Willmer’. Library – University of Leeds. (October 24, 2023).

1976a. ‘Review of Above Parties: The Political Attitudes of the German Protestant Church Leadership 1918–1933 by J. R. C. Wright’. Theology 79(669): 188–90. doi: 10.1177/0040571X7607900327.

1976b. ‘Twice-Baptised Christians – a Way Forward for Church Reform and Unity’. The Fraternal 175: 12–16. (Available on the blog here).

1975. ‘Weariness with Politics: A Matter for the Church’. Theology 78(660): 310–18. doi: 10.1177/0040571X7507800605.

1974. ‘The Distinctiveness of Christ: A Correspondence’. Theology 77(650): 404–12. doi: 10.1177/0040571X7407700803. (With C. F. D. Moule.)

1974. ‘On Method in Church History’. Theology 77(646): 186–92. doi: 10.1177/0040571X7407700404.

1973a. ‘Article Commentary: A Comment’. Theology 76(641): 573–75. doi: 10.1177/0040571X7307601103.

1973b. ‘“Holy Worldliness” in Nineteenth-Century England’. Studies in Church History 10: 193–211. doi: 10.1017/S0424208400006185.

1972a. ‘Review of Calvin’s New Testament Commentaries by T. H. L. Parker and The Trial Of Luther by James Atkinson.’ Theology 75(624): 324–26. doi: 10.1177/0040571X7207500612.

1972b. ‘Review of Mission of the Church and the Propagation of the Faith by G. J. Cuming (Ed.)’. Durham University Journal: 190–92.

1971a. ‘Sealing and Enlightenment: Aspects of the Early Christian Doctrine of Baptism.’ PhD Dissertation. University of Cambridge.

1971b. ‘The Holy Spirit and the Church’. The Church Quarterly 3(4): 287–94.

1970a. ‘Review of For Christ and the People: Studies of Four Socialist Priests and Prophets of the Church of England between 1870 and 1930 by Maurice B. Reckitt (Ed.)’. The Journal of Ecclesiastical History 21(4): 372–372. doi: 10.1017/S0022046900049265.

1970b. ‘Dechristianisation in England in the 19th and 20th Centuries’. Miscellanea Historiae Ecclesiasticae: 315–27.

1962. ‘Evangelicalism 1785-1835’. Hulsean Essay. University of Cambridge.

‘Church for the Poor – in Britain Today?’ 8pp. Probably before 1997.

‘God and War: Some Theological Tasks’. 7pp. Probably 1980.

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