While it is yet day
Haddon Willmer
Monday morning, I sit down to write this piece, only a few hours left before it is due. And very little idea – or perhaps too many ideas, probably most won’t do. A clue-question I will follow: What is my world this morning? ‘My world’ is the great created living world as it comes to…
Transcript of a talk given at Moortown Baptist Church, 4th April 2023. You can listen to the talk here. Introduction I want this evening in this talk, to share the story of Jesus as I’ve come to know it, or at least part of it, and very imperfectly. You don’t have to agree with me.…
Originally published in Wounds that Heal: Theology, Imagination and Health, ed Jonathan Baxter, SPCK, 2007, pp79-98. The Framework Words in the forgiveness family are used in many different ways. That needs sorting out. One reason why it does not get sorted out is that many assume they know instinctively what forgiveness is. So our talk…
I am glad these pictures bring joy to some people. They give me fun, sometimes shocking joy. But they are essentially accidents, gifts appearing from the hidden Giver of all good things.When I try to be a painter in control, aiming to produce a work of art, to put on the board something I have…
All are welcome to a reflective reading and discussion of Ben Okri’s prophetic voicing of EARTH’S CRIES. Tuesday 12 September, 7.30-9.15, at Moortown Baptist Church Lament with him the climate crisis and hear his call for human beings to ‘accelerate our own transformation now’, so that we make a ‘future possible again for the species…
a theological discussion with the Bible in one hand and a very particular newspaper in the other Society for the Study of Theology 1995 What is this paper about? I have been asked to write a paper about theology and the transformation of society or transformation in society. I can only make this a manageable…
4G Jesus Baptist church Ben Okri Bible Bonhoeffer Burning bush Chaplain Christianity Church Church history City Climate change Conscience Crucifixion David Death Disability Donald MacKinnon Eve Forgiveness Galilee Golgotha Good shepherd Gospel Gospel of John Gospel of Luke Gospel of Mark Gospel of Matthew Healing History Horizontal Hospital Hospital chaplain Humanity Human rights Hymns Immigration Israel Jeremiah Jerusalem Jesus Christ Johanna at Daybreak John Lord's prayer Love Luke Making society Matthew Middle of life Moortown Baptist Church Moses Nathan Nativity Novels Painting Palestine Palm Sunday Parables Paradise Lost Paul Person Play Politics Prayer Reading the Bible Reconciliation Resurrection Self-giving Sermon Sheep Silence Sin space Teaching The Guardian Theology Time Transformation Trinity Ukraine University Vertical War Willi Marxsen World