While it is yet day
Haddon Willmer
a theological discussion with the Bible in one hand and a very particular newspaper in the other Society for the Study of Theology 1995 What is this paper about? I have been asked to write a paper about theology and the transformation of society or transformation in society. I can only make this a manageable…
Earth cries! We are the gods that must step up to the biggest crisis in history | Ben Okri | The Guardian Reflection and Commentary In this prophetic poem, lamenting, warning, calling, Ben Okri points to the crisis now: Words for the day.Denial. Justice. RightTo protest. And Earth cries.O when will we wake up?Gulf Stream…
Published in The Third Way, c.1979 There is, at present, a great and growing interest amongst Christians in this country in political matters. They feel responsible and concerned. This is a good development – a waking up to reality. But all that we do is not well: the man struggling out of deep sleep goes…
1 Introduction: This sketch is significant for me, since it is the first time I have got near to defining sin as what brings us to the threshold of forgiveness. That may not be a new idea altogether, but I can’t remember finding it plainly anywhere. Luther and Barth give me some encouragement in that direction, but…
A sermon on John 20.19-31 1. Thomas as doubter? Thomas heard from the disciples: We have seen Jesus. He said, Unless I see the print of the nails in his hands, and can put my hand into his side, I will not believe. Does that make him a Doubter? Are you a doubter if you…
Read the original post here. 1. Response to Nathaniel’s comment thank you very much for sharing this. It is profound and thought-provoking. I think you are right that contemplating our insignificance in space is far easier than doing so in time. And I think you are right that we are conditioned to take time for…
When I consider the short duration of my life, swallowed up in an eternity before and after, the little space I fill engulfed in the infinite immensity of spaces whereof I know nothing, and which know nothing of me, I am terrified. The eternal silence of these infinite spaces frightens me. Pensees, Blaise Pascal https://academyofideas.com/2016/03/blaise-pascal-the-infinite-spaces-alienation-and-the-wager/…
On 20 July 1944, a plot to kill Hitler failed. Dietrich Bonhoeffer, in prison, knew immediately that some of his companions in the resistance were already dead, and he and others were in greater danger of their lives than before. The next day, 21 July 1944, he wrote a remarkable letter to his friend Eberhard…
1 John 4G Jesus Anger Baptist church Ben Okri Bible Bonhoeffer Boxing day tsunami Child Child in the midst Child theology Christian Faith and Political Hopes Christianity Christian response to sexual exploitation and trafficking Christmas Church Church history City Climate change Crucifixion David Death Entry point Entry Point: Towards Child Theology with Matthew 18 Faith in the City Forgiveness Galilee Golgotha Good shepherd Gospel Gospel of Luke Healing History Horizontal Hospital Humanity Hymns Immigration Jeremiah Jerusalem Jesus Christ Johanna at Daybreak John John Greenleaf Whittier Keith J. White Lord's prayer Love Luke Matthew Matthew 18 Milton Moortown Baptist Church Nathan Nativity NHS Painting Palestine Parenting Paul Play Politics Prayer Prayer of St Ignatius Prophecy Reading the Bible Reconciliation Resurrection Self-giving Sermon Sexual exploitation Sheep Silence Sin space Teaching The Guardian Theology Time Trafficking Transformation Trinity Ukraine University Vertical World