While it is yet day
Haddon Willmer
This paper is a meandering comment on a part of James E. Loder’s The Logic of the Spirit, which caught my fancy. I have thought much about human development, having lived through a lot of it myself, seen and messed about with it in other people, but I have no competence in the science of…
Originally posted on the Network Leeds blog here. Government makes a decree, like Knut on the beach, which says ‘These are illegal immigrants’. But they are human beings seeking life. Is any creature and child of God, ‘illegal’? If God lets down from heaven a great sample of all his creatures and says, Rise and eat, shall we say with…
This is the third of a three part series. You can read part one here and part two here. Friendship is not the only category we need to trace the history of the Gospel in the church. No doubt there are many other themes of heuristic utility to be explored. In this discussion, we will…
This forms the second of a three part series. You can read part one here. It is unlikely that a church, as a merely human company, will survive and grow so that it gets to the point of a fiftieth anniversary history, if it is unfriendly. The occurrence of friendship is an immense resource for…
John Briggs and I met as freshmen reading History at Cambridge nearly half a century ago. Now in our active retirements we have, besides our pensions, stores of experience to mull over. Perhaps we should give ourselves the leisure to do that – if mulling can be saved from being pointless self-indulgence. I think of…
Deliver us from the evil – of ever giving up praying this prayer whatever the pressure of temptation Deliver us from losing the ‘our’ to make the Father ‘mine’ Deliver us from claiming the Kingdom now rather than steadily praying for it to Come Deliver us from seeking the Father in heaven as though he…
A sermon preached at Moortown Baptist Church on Sunday 13th March 2022. The sermon can be watched here. I want you to know that in this talk I am aiming to tell the good news of Jesus Christ the Son of God, in company with Mark. I also want you to know that in trying…
4G Jesus Anger Baptist church Ben Okri Bible Bonhoeffer Child Child in the midst Child theology Christianity Christian response to sexual exploitation and trafficking Christmas Church Church history City Climate change Crucifixion David Death Doing good Entry point Entry Point: Towards Child Theology with Matthew 18 Exile Faith in the City Fold to your heart your sister and your brother Forgiveness Galilee Golgotha Good shepherd Gospel Gospel of Luke Healing History Horizontal Hospital Humanity Hymns Immigration Jeremiah Jerusalem Jesus Christ Johanna at Daybreak John Keith J. White Lord's prayer Loss Love Luke Matthew Matthew 18 Milton Moortown Baptist Church Nathan Nativity Painting Palestine Parenting Paul Play Politics Prayer Prayer of St Ignatius Prophecy Reading the Bible Reconciliation Resurrection Safe room Self-giving Sermon Sexual exploitation Sheep Silence Sin space Teaching The Guardian Theology Time Trafficking Transformation Trinity Ukraine University Vertical World