While it is yet day
Haddon Willmer
Deliver us from the evil – of ever giving up praying this prayer whatever the pressure of temptation Deliver us from losing the ‘our’ to make the Father ‘mine’ Deliver us from claiming the Kingdom now rather than steadily praying for it to Come Deliver us from seeking the Father in heaven as though he…
A sermon preached at Moortown Baptist Church on Sunday 13th March 2022. The sermon can be watched here. I want you to know that in this talk I am aiming to tell the good news of Jesus Christ the Son of God, in company with Mark. I also want you to know that in trying…
Sermon preached on John 10.11-18 at Stainbeck United Reformed Church, 25 April 2021. The sermon can be watched here. John’s Gospel as a whole reflects on the life of Jesus, his words and his actions. John was like a man standing on a high hill, able to see the whole land laid out before him,…
Sermon preached on Matthew 16 at Moortown Baptist Church, Sunday 26th February 2023. The sermon can be watched here. The question is not: who do people say I am? But who do you say that I am? A question to be heard by individuals, you and me, and by the whole community – who does…
Address given at Trinity College Bristol degree ceremony sometime in the late 1990s Do not assume that mere Reading will suffice without fervor, Speculation without devotion, Investigation without admiration, Observation without exaltation, Industry without piety, Knowledge without love, Understanding without humility, Study without divine grace. St. Bonaventure (1221–1274) Except for two good years, when the…
Mark 10.35-45: A sermon preached at Stainbeck United Reformed Church, 2018 We are given this morning an important and challenging reading, that points us to the heart of being Christian and being human. So I am glad to be called to speak about it. I read this text and at the same time, I reflect…
This paper was written to honour Vinay Samuel, the first director of the Oxford Centre for Mission Studies. I worked there for a dozen years after I retired from Leeds. I liked its vision and the students it brought me. Corneliu Constantineanu was the first person I supervised at OCMS and he became a dear friend. He…
History as I was taught it was basically one thing after another… Getting to know the sequence, the flow, became more sophisticated as the flood broadened, But it was still sequence and consequence One thing that was missing, was contemplation and penetration of moments, short and drawn out moments… So for instance I read a…
1 John 4G Jesus Anger Baptist church Ben Okri Bible Bonhoeffer Boxing day tsunami Child Child in the midst Child theology Christian Faith and Political Hopes Christianity Christian response to sexual exploitation and trafficking Christmas Church Church history City Climate change Crucifixion David Death Entry point Entry Point: Towards Child Theology with Matthew 18 Faith in the City Forgiveness Galilee Golgotha Good shepherd Gospel Gospel of Luke Healing History Horizontal Hospital Humanity Hymns Immigration Jeremiah Jerusalem Jesus Christ Johanna at Daybreak John John Greenleaf Whittier Keith J. White Lord's prayer Love Luke Matthew Matthew 18 Milton Moortown Baptist Church Nathan Nativity NHS Painting Palestine Parenting Paul Play Politics Prayer Prayer of St Ignatius Prophecy Reading the Bible Reconciliation Resurrection Self-giving Sermon Sexual exploitation Sheep Silence Sin space Teaching The Guardian Theology Time Trafficking Transformation Trinity Ukraine University Vertical World